29.7 C

女警接通報救援遭棄大黑狗 「一個對視」到收容所霸氣簽認養書


Antrim County: Trooper Kayla Moore from the Gaylord Post was called for report of an abandoned dog. While she was taking the dog to the shelter, something special happened. They formed a bond. 1 of 3. pic.twitter.com/KRpuegD3cS

— MSP Seventh District (@mspnorthernmi) July 16, 2023


有時候緣分來了擋也擋不住。美國密西根州一名女警「凱拉摩爾( Kayla Moore)」接獲通報,路上有一隻遭到棄養的黑狗,需要警方協助送至收容所。當她和這隻狗狗第一次見面,互相注視的眼神與互動,讓原先的計畫有了很大的更變,凱拉帶著狗狗到收容所,跟櫃台要了一份認養申請書,決定將這隻大黑狗收編成自家家人。

There have been numerous dogs abandoned in the Jordan Valley area of Antrim County. Rosie was part of a litter the MSP Canine Teams have been searching for. Numerous dogs are up for adoption. You can help too. Call (231) 533-6421. pic.twitter.com/FXGBLfdJ01

— MSP Seventh District (@mspnorthernmi) July 16, 2023


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